Privatus politica
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Software respektar a privacy of omnes individuales qui visitant nostri websites. Hoc privacy statement provide notitia of standards et terms sub quibus Software protectat a privacy of information supplied by visitores ad sites in World Wide Web quod sunt owned et operated by Software, including Software et Software. Hoc privacy statement provide notitia of nostri information collection practices et of modis in quibus tua information may be used. Hoc policy potest mutare a tempore ad tempus, ergo s’i’l te rogamus check back periodicis review this information.
A. Peersonally-identificabile Informatione:
B. Non Personally-Identifiable (Generic) Information:
C. Tuo Il software ospitato sul sito web, server, bacheca, forum, siti di terze parti:
Information that you disclose in a public space, including on any bulletin board, chat room, or website The Software may host for you as part of your The Software services, is available to anyone else who visits that space. The Software cannot safeguard any information you disclose in these locations. Additionally, The Software websites contain links to sites that belong to third parties unrelated to The Software. The Software cannot protect any information you may disclose in these sites and recommends that you review the privacy policy statements of those sites you visit.
D. Exceptiuns e Limitaziuns:
Non obstante le praecedente e in conformitate con le leges applicabile, The Software coopera totalmente con le autoritates statal, local e federal in ulle investigation relative a ulle contento (incluso communicationes electronic personal o private transmitite a The Software) o activitates supparate illegal de ulle usator del Servicio, e prende mesuras rationabile pro proteger su derectos propri. Pro le scopos limitate de complir con tale cooperation e mesuras e in conformitate con le leges applicabile, The Software poterea esser obligate a discloser information personalmente identificabile. In plus, The Software poterea eleger monitorar le areas de communication de ulle typo pro satisfer ulle lege, regulation, o petition governamental; si talle disclosure es necessari o apropriate pro operar The Software; o pro proteger le derectos o propietate de The Software o alteres. In connexion con le potential venda o transferentia de ullo de su interesse in The Software e The Software e altere sitos possessite per le compania, The Software reserva le derecto de vender o transferer tu information (includente, ma non limitate a nomine, information de adresse, e altere information fornite a The Software) a un tertie parti que concentra su negocio in productos o servicios de communication; concorda a esser le successor de interesse de The Software con relation al mantenentia e protection de information collectite e mantenite per The Software; e concorda a le obligationes de iste declaration de politica.