Get in Touch

Struggling with Immediate XRise? Let our dedicated support team lend a helping hand. Whether you prefer email or phone, we’re here for you.

Just a heads up, our support team is experts in providing technical and general assistance for Immediate XRise, as well as addressing any questions about our Immediate XRise build-it version.

If you have any questions about your trading activities, please direct them to our execution brokers. If you haven’t set up an account with our recommended brokers, just let us know and we’ll help you get connected quickly.

Connect with Our Team

You can count on our team to be there for you every weekday, from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, UTC+8. We’re dedicated to helping you in any way we can.

Whether you’re in need of technical support or looking for a deeper understanding of our trading platform, our dedicated team is standing by to help enhance your experience with Immediate XRise.

*By using our Website, you consent to the sharing of your personal information with third parties who offer trading services, in accordance with our privacy policy.